Monday, June 22, 2009

The Best Part of My Day

"Are you guys ready to go swimming?"
Half the four year olds sitting on the side of the pool respond with an enthusiastic "YES!" or "NO!" while the other half don't respond at all.
"Alright well I'm excited! Go ahead and get in the water safely the way I showed you."
The kids proceed to roll on to their little bellies and scoot their little bums down into the water.
"Now that we're in the water what comes next? What do we do now?"
"We've got to get our hair wet! Like this..." I make an exaggerated show of holding my breath, submerging, and jumping out of the water with wet hair and a smile on my face.
"What's that called? What do you guys need to do?"
We've done the same thing in the same order for the past five days. The kids know what they're supposed to do. They even know the name of it the move. They are just being shy.
"What's this called?" I show the kids the skill again.
I think of all the ways I could prompt an older audience to give me the name of the skill I just demonstrated...
We do it with apples at Halloween...
Danny Tanner of Full House: ______ Saggett
Hairstyle worn by Flapper girls in the roaring 20's
Lorena _____it
Finally Adam who is bigger than the other kids but is generally pretty timid gets brave and yells

Monday, June 1, 2009

Dear Cleveland,

I'm really sorry about the Cav's loss. I know you had a lot of hope riding on them what with the disappointment that the Browns and the Indians are.

Let me be so bold as to make a suggestion...that you fill that void, that emptiness and disappointment, with something much more lasting and powerful than Lebron James could ever be...something that will never abandon you or let you down, or trade owner's hands...

Come be a part of a team that will never lose...

(rolls eyes at self) For reals though, if Clevelanders have a common deity it is athletics. And the amount of faith they show in teams that fail them is staggering. I know there is a better bank to invest in so to speak...

I'll stop before I get going.
