Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Magic Dress

What happens when your mom asks you to clear out some really old clothes out of your sister's closet that have been hanging there since you moved out?

You might re-encounter The Magic Dress that has infinite stretching capabilities. That encounter might look something like this...

Starts out simple enough...

Then there's the double wide shot...

Then little sister number two might want to join in...

There was some near strangulation involved due to height differences.

After some hard work the "hydra in a bad floral print" look is achieved.

Now getting out is another story...

Have a good week everyone!

1 comment:

sadie said...

Wow. What a dress. Promise me you will wear that dressed when you are asked to chaperone a high school dance.

And I don't even recognize your sisters. Sad. They are old now.