Sunday, February 14, 2010

Polygamy makes sense because...

The ratio of women to men in my sacrament meeting today was 4 to 1.

I've never been very good at math but I'm thinking with those odds somebody's not getting married.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Dear John Mayer

You're making it REALLY hard (maybe even impossible) for me to be in love with you right now.

Stop trying so hard to be clever and shock everybody with what you say and who you've slept with. Shut your mouth and play the damn guitar.

I'm sorry I haven't given your latest album a full listen but its all about heartbreak and loneliness which is really not the kind of subject matter I can stomach right now.

We both know that its not as good as Continuum. I miss that John.

Maybe I'll get to see him again if you can stop being so self aware.

All the best,


Monday, February 8, 2010

6 Word Memoir

While getting my daily dose of NPR today (total nerd, I know) they did a segment on some people who are compiling a book of 6 word memoirs. Apparently this isn't a new idea...they opened the segment by sharing an anecdote of someone asking Hemingway to write a six word novel. He penned:

For sale: baby shoes. Never worn.

Amazing! Whole story told right there. It reminded me of my favorite super bowl ad.

I was inspired to write my own and without hardly thinking about it at all I came up with:

Still can't get what I want.

I realized how selfish and ugly and ungrateful that sounded so I wrote a second chapter:

But I have what I need.

(I think I was subconsciously channeling the Stones) I guess that that's actually a 12 word memoir which is cheating but I'll just use them one at a time depending on my attitude (hopefully the first will hide away most the time).

In a world where we're learning to express ourselves in 140 characters or less I thought the 6 word memoir was very clever.

You should try it and submit them...I'd love to read them.