Monday, May 16, 2011

Cul de Sac

Imagine with me a hypothetical situation:

You're a female who was born of goodly parents who were members of the dominant faith in the area in which you were born. From a very early age you were taught about a plan for your mortal and immortal life. We'll call this Plan A. As you grew Plan A was taught to you over and over again by people you loved and trusted until eventually you realized that you had adopted The Plan as a part of yourself. You believed it body and soul and you knew that Plan A was the way you wanted your life to go. There was no other way really.

At about the same time you came to an age (your teens probably) where you realized that life could disappoint you you also realized that you can't control everything to get what you wanted. This was when someone wise told you that you should always be prepared and have a Plan B. You shouldn't forget about Plan was still top priority but you'd be silly and naive to not have a Plan B, given that so much of Plan A depended on circumstances outside your control.

So, you spend a lot of money and a lot of time on Plan B. Its a good plan. It looks good from all angles (*cough summers off cough*) as a less desirable but satisfying substitute for Plan A. One day, all bright eyed and bushy tailed, you're ready to put Plan B into action. (Along the way you may have made some well intentioned but naive missteps trying to force Plan A into happening).

But...through some misguided and unhelpful counseling from a Certain Secondary Education Program at a Certain University and a sudden downturn in the US economy you are virtually unemployable and Plan B is looking like nothing more than an expensive piece of paper. You try for two and a half years to get Plan B to happen and its just not happening...You've reached a dead end. There's no Plan C.

Why didn't somebody tell me I needed a Plan C? Hypothetically...

I'm open to any and all sincere suggestions for a Plan C. I don't know which direction to try in anymore. If you were debt free and unattached what would YOU do?


Nichole said...

If I was debt free and unattached I would move to another country and teach English or do humanitarian work. Seriously. I've considered it. Even if I was debt free (which it seems like I'll never be!) and attached (Phil wise, not babe wise) I'd still like to try it out.

I'm annoyed no one told me about Plan C. either. I was only prepared as far as Plan A.

Tali Nay said...

dealing with this right now myself, and i got nothin'. it's taking everything i have to not quit my job and go to jewelry school.

BeckieB said...

Echo Nichole. Get outta Dodge, get yelled at by people in another county who think you're an American spy, live and work in another country and have a fabulous accented lover Sabrina-style.