Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yoko Oh-No!

I doubt I'm the first to make that pun...

I've been watching the Beatle's Anthology on Youtube at school while I do my recording and other mindless housekeeping tasks. I recently got to the part in the narrative where Yoko makes her creepy, unwanted appearance. Of course I don't like Yoko as a rule but today I realized why. Pre-Yoko John was always laughing, smiling, joking. He had a great sense of humor. Then Yoko came around and there wasn't a single smile between the two of them.

Seriously. No smiling. They kept talking about how in love with each other they were but doesn't love make you happy? They look so gloomy and serious all the time.

If I ever fall in love with someone and you see no smiles, please someone do what you have to to get rid of me before I break up the band.

1 comment:

BeckieB said...

We are on some kinda sync because I talked about the Beatles today in class! They had to get into groups of 4, they all had to label their poems "john, paul, george, or ringo" (no one wanted to be george) and then make sure they had a full band = a full group with all 4 poems included. And i played their music as they worked.

When one kid left his group to talk to a friend, I confronted him and chided him for breaking up the band: "Who do you think you are, Paul?" Maybe I should've wondered if he was John and there was a Yoko involved somewhere?