If there was any earthyly power that controlled the life cycles of humans like we do of dogs and cats the ACLU would have a stroke...and sue a lot of people. From spaying and nuetering to euthenasia. As much as some people treat their pets like people (with the sweaters and stuff) at the end of the day they really don't.
I think that we put down animals not for their comfort but for our own. Nobody wants to see a pet they've come to know and love sick, old and in pain so we remove them from our sight. We kind of do the same thing with the elderly by putting them in homes but we would never kill them. We do our best to make them as comfortable as possible but to put them down would be inhumane. But it's considered humane to put down a dog. Strange. I think what it boils down to is that taking care of a sick elderly creature takes time, and we can justify paying someone to do the job for our gradparents but not for pets. And really who would want that job? Animal hospice...hmmmm....Anyway I don't know why I'm devoting any time to this and I'm not trying to be political...when my dog gets old and sick I'm sure I'll have him put down rather than watch him suffer but I'll maybe feel a little guilty knowing that I'm probably doing it more for my own comfort than for his.
"For the joy of human love! Brother, sister, parent, child." -- For the Beauty of the Earth
Wow Heath, I feel like I didn't know this animal-rights-activist side of you! Of course we don't treat animals like humans... *they're not humans!* Yes, they are living creatures, and they are God's creations, so we must treat them with the respect they deserve, just like we must treat the environment with respect.
But out of all of God's creations, humans are distinguished by the fact that we are literally His *children*, not just something else he made. He made all these things for us! Everything in the world will grow, but we're the only ones that will grow up to be like Him.
End Sunday School lesson rant. :)
That wasn't an animal rights post I was just pointing out the twisted logic we use when we say that we're putting them out of their misery when really we're easing our own discomfort. I understand why we don't treat animals the same as humans. But really there isn't a more human action than trying to make ourselves more comfortable by manipulating our enviroment.
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