These are just some left-over thoughts from my valentine's post:
It seems to me that in order to avoid getting hurt we avoid being open and honest with each other when I think that if we were open and honest we would get hurt a lot less. Knowing is always better than not knowing. If we are open and honest We may get hurt more frequently but the pain would be less than being strung along forever and ever.
One other way we manage to mess everything up is by worrying too much about ourselves. We have been taught since we were very small that it is far more satisfying to put others before ourselves. That was Christ's main message right? I think (actually I KNOW) if we considered others' feelings more than worrying about our own we would be far more successful (i.e. Happy).
In my opinion most relationships fail because of selfishness.
I don't consider myself to be a pessimist...I consider myself to be a realist. I know that things work out and I'm so glad that they do. Sometimes though we are our own worst enemies...
If your opinions differ from mine, please share (in a nice way) I like hearing differing opinions it helps me gain a new perspective and it helps me see faults in my own logiC. My opinions are fluid...and open ended (like that ellipsis)
I think when you get tagged you are just supposed to list eight things about yourself and then tag somebody else. That's all I did.
I agree with you--but I just don't think I ever had the guts to live that fully. I was more of the "don't show how much you like someone until they show how much they like you" kind of person. I'm not saying it's the best motto. It just worked for me. I guess the best way to live is so that you won't have any regrets.
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